How To Choose The Right Dog Crate For Your Puppy

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Looking for a dog crate? So you are looking for a dog crate and you want the highest quality you can get for the best price. What options are available to you, and what are the pro’s and con’s of the various types of dog crate…[clear-line] First, let’s look at the black epoxy coated crates…. Read more »

How To Help Your Dog Overcome Separation Anxiety

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Many dogs have separation anxiety. Separation anxiety in dogs exhibits behavior problems when they’re being left alone at home. This often leads to excessive barking, whining, chewing, house soiling and other types of destructive behavior. If your dog can comfortably spend the night away from you, then it is very likely your dog does not… Read more »

Your Dog’s Shedding

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Does your dog shed a lot? If your dog sheds a lot it does not necessarily denote ill health. Dogs that spend a lot of their time indoors are exposed to electric lights and central heat and air which can throw off their normal shedding schedule that nature built in. However, profuse shedding may have… Read more »