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How to Prepare Your Pet For the Summer[clear]

and Keep Your Pets Healthy During The Warm Weather[clear]

Getting back to nature may not always be the best thing for pets. In fact, as pets spend more time outside in warm weather, they are more likely to be injured, suffer from heat stroke or be affected by a number of other ailments.[clear]

dog-in-pool Of course, that doesn’t mean pets need to be kept on a short leash just because it’s nice out. Pet owners just need to take some precautions.[clear]

Think about it…when the hot summer is upon us, we take every precaution for our precious human children. We lather them up with sunscreen, spray them down with bug spray, keep them cool in a sprinkler, watch them like a hawk next to bodies of water, and keep their tender feet off the hot beach sand or blacktop. Right?![clear]

Our pets, are our children with fur, so, each summer, we need to take the SAME precautions for their health and safety, as we do for our human kids![clear]

And yes, (if you are wondering), there absolutely are such things as Pet Sunscreen, Pet Life Jackets, and Pet Sungoggles![clear]

Pets are treated at the vets, much more frequently in the warm months due to their increased exposure to the outdoors. Warm weather exposes pets to more insects, higher temperatures and bodies of water, such as swimming pools, lakes and oceans.  A walk on the beach could lead to a paw cutting on glass. A walk on hot pavement could lead to 4 very burnt paws. High temperatures can lead to sunburn and heatstroke. Exposure to swimming pools can lead to ear infections, or-worse-case scenario, a pet accidentally falling into a pool and drowning.[clear]

Keep a watchful eye on your pet and consider purchasing pet insurance. Protecting your dog or cat with a pet health insurance policy is not only a smart decision prior to warm weather months, but all year round.  Most pet insurance plans cover dogs, cats, birds and exotic pets for thousands of medical problems and costly procedures relating to accidents, illness or injury. Optional Vaccination & Routine Care Coverage is available as well.[clear]

pug sunscreenHere are some injuries and ailments that your pet could suffer more frequently from in the warm summer months:[clear]

Foreign Bodies-Foxtails, a type of grass with sharp points, are common in dry, warm months. The sharp points often become embedded into pet paws, ears, eyes or noses. As a penetrating foreign body, the foxtail inevitably causes an infection.[clear]

Stings/Bites-Insects and spiders of all shapes and sizes come out of their hiding places in the warm weather months. Mosquitoes congregate near pools of water.  We recommend ridding your yard of even the shallowest pools of water (including the toddler’s pool) so mosquitoes don’t breed. Additionally, pet owners should keep their pets away from bees, wasps and woodpiles that may harbor spiders.[clear]

Heatstroke-We recommend keeping pets indoors as much as possible during the warmest hours of the day (usually 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)[clear]

And NEVER leave your pet in the car unattended.[clear]

Burns-Hot sidewalks can be downright painful for pets.  In addition to burns on the paws, sunburns are more common in hot months, especially on body areas not protected by fur or dark skin.  Shaving your pet’s fur to cool them the summer months, may be done with the best of intentions, but it does expose the skin to the sun’s harmful rays. If you do plan to be outside with your pet for an extended period of time during a hot summer day, please protect your with pet sunscreen, eye goggles and paw booties.[clear]

dog in pool with tennis ball wagging tails pet sitting in ct Ear Infections-These are frequently caused by water getting trapped in a dog’s ear after swimming or bathing. If your pet is involved in water activities, speak to your veterinarian regarding specific ear-cleaning products that will help dry the ear canal after water exposure to prevent recurring ear infections.[clear]

dog-in-pool2Near Drownings- Cases of near drownings or drownings, do increase in warm weather summer months. If this happens, be sure to keep the pet warm, and dry thoroughly with towels. Then, take the pet to the veterinarian immediately. It is important that your pet has access to an exit from your pool. And if your pool is still covered, don’t be fooled in thinking that your pet is safe. Pets CAN and have, drowned in covered pools too. Consider purchasing a life jacket for your pet. And look into Pet Safety Ramps for your pool, to give your pet, and possibly wildlife, an exit from your pool, if they accidentally fall in.[clear]

When planning your summer vacation, don’t forget to plan your pet’s care too! Keep your pet safe, and at home, with a Wagging Tails Pet Sitter! We come to you! And we’ll love and care for your pets, while you relax and enjoy your well deserved vacation!  (860) 621-7387 (Pets)