A Black Cat is Just a Cat
The black cat has an unfortunate negative supernatural reputation. Many people fear black cats and associate them with bad luck. Historically they have been used in the supernatural rituals of Black Magic and linked to Witchcraft. This article is written to dispel this notion.
For many years, I have volunteered my time and my home, as a Foster Mom for local Humane Societies and Pet Rescues. About 15 years ago, when I received a call to foster a lonely, little kitten with a severe upper respiratory infection, I of course, took on the job. As soon as I saw him, I knew that Batman would not be returning to the shelter. He was my “foster” who immediately warmed my heart. I fell in love with him on sight. And so began his new adventure as my new black cat.
I renamed him Tucker, Tucket, Trucker….he responds to all the names, is a wonderful cat, and he is completely black.
The Black Cat in History
Historically, black cats have been associated with omens, bad luck and, well…evil. The poor unfortunate kitties have been used in rituals, and were supposedly the “familiars” of witches. Anarchism has used the symbol of the black cat, as has Wicca, the modern day expression of Witchcraft. Superstition has associated bad luck with having a black cat cross your path. All-in-all, the black cat has been getting some really bad press for centuries, and all of that is not easily overcome in just a few short lines of this article.
Some people are afraid of Black Cats…Black animals, both canine and feline, have had a long reputation of a low adoption rate at all shelters. The stigma seems to stick. Some say it is because black animals are not easily photographed. That their features are difficult to display in a typical snapshot. And therefore, are not chosen when one is perusing through online photos. However, I disagree. Black animals photograph beautifully. Their eyes really seem to show their soul. Despite modern times, the supernatural reputation is still an issue with many adoptive parents. And it should not be!
Superstition Dispelled
For many years, Tucker has been rolling around on my lap enjoying his daily pettings, sleeping in my bed, yowling at the females he sees from his perch in the kitchen window and just generally bringing a lot of joy to our lives. He loved his black lab family member, Bella, for many years. When I brought him home as a kitten, he curled right up next to her, found a patch of her skin and started suckling and kneading on it! They looked like one big black blob of fur.
Tucker is here to dispel the notion that a black cat means bad luck. He is one of the sweetest cats you’ll ever meet, and there’s absolutely *nothing* scary about him. And I can tell you for a fact that no bad luck is connected with Tucker. He’s crossed my path innumerable times, and so far I haven’t experienced anything one might think of as “bad luck”.
I have to say, though, that on Halloween night he seems to be scared of his own black shadow. But I try to keep him calmed down and happy to be where he is…in my lap purring as loud as he can!
As a pet mom to a Black Labrador, Bella, and a black cat, Tucker, and a tuxedo cat, Spooky, I can tell you that mine have only brought me joy. No “bad luck” here!
So, when choosing a pet to welcome into your home, please consider, that just like humans, the color of our skin does not matter…it’s what’s inside our hearts that does. The same equality should be for animals…
Black cats do not bring bad luck! www.waggingtails.com (860) 621-7387 (Pets)