Cage Free Boarding
So, you want to get away but you're not comfortable hiring a pet sitter to come to your home, and you don't want to leave your pet in a kennel? Well, we have the next best thing to home! Wagging Tails offers spacious guest rooms and accommodations at both of our locations. But, your pet would still prefer cozying up to us, Wagging Tails Cage Free Boarding guests can enjoy sleeping with our pet care specialists here, in our home, away from home, environment. We call it SNUGGLE BUDDIES PAWJAMA Parties, because it's a party every night! After enjoying PUPcorn and a movie, our staff snuggles up with your little buddy for a peaceful night sleep. We have comfy, cozy mattresses and pet beds, bed time stories, good night kisses, bed time snacks and movie nights! Staff is here 24/7 so your dog is supervised, calm, happy and has sweet dreams!

Dogs must undergo an evaluation for cage free overnight boarding. If your dog does not fit our social and behavioral criteria for cage free, then we will offer boarding room accommodations, or pet sitting at your home. If your dog is part of our daycare program, then he/she is eligible for cage free boarding.